SouTH Ridge christian academy
Helping parents raise Godly, happy, and healthy children.
The Academy is like a public school in some ways: the school day starts at 8:30 and ends at 3:00, there is a lunch period and recess, the students go on the occasional field trips, and there are sports teams for those who want to participate.
But in many other aspects, the Academy is nothing like a public school. Our classrooms more closely resemble the one-room schoolhouse that our forefathers attended: different ages in the same room, all working at their own individual level. There isn’t a teacher talking at them all day, instead there is a supervisor to guide them as they work. The number one priority is for the children to learn. We want them to learn how to think, instead of being told what to think.
There is a behavior policy and dress code. Any disrespect or bullying are immediately dealt with.
We understand that children can attend public school and still grow into healthy adults. But now more than ever, it’s rare for a child to make it through public education without having their faith questioned, their morality mocked, and their hearts damaged. We believe that it is important to protect our kids from the destructive agenda that is prevalent in mainstream schools. If you want an alternative for your child’s education, then please come check us out.

We believe in:
K – 1st

2nd – 8th


South Ridge Christian Academy is a church-owned, non-public, non-chartered school. As such, we do not receive any funding from the government. But we can accept scholarships. Please call the school office if you would like to donate towards a scholarship.
Also SRCA is a member of OCEN – Ohio Christian Educators Network.
Any Ohio residents that wish to donate towards a scholarship and claim the tax credit, please visit for more information.